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1 "They came to Perry in 1889"- Lived on Leichester Street in Perry, Genesee Falls Twn., Wyoming Co., NY HOWELL, Franklin L. (I2595)
2 "was active in advancing all that aided in the progress of Elmira" (1896 Obit) HOWELL, Edwin W. (I1380)
3 1422 Broadway, of chronic myorcarditis - heart disease HOWELL, Charles Wesley (I2651)
4 8th NY Heavy Artillery HOWELL, Elmer (I1385)
5 Actuve in the W.C.T.U. and temperance work in the Bergen area. HOWELL, Phebe Adelia (I1717)
6 adopted Nov 1846 PIERSON, Josiah Pierson (I1770)
7 angina, at home HOWELL, Franklin L. (I2595)
8 as transcribed on tombstone - including "wife of David" PIERSON, Keziah (I1412)
9 At Home - 99 Jefferson Ave, Rochester, NY HOWELL, Cecelia (I1491)
10 at home 84 Palmer Road, Churchville, NY JAMESON, Arthur Howell (I1435)
11 at home 93 Jefferson Ave, Rochester, NY JAMESON, Joseph Brown (I1490)
12 at home by F. M. Cole Family: Rev. Bert E. AGAR / Myrtle L. HOWELL (F1753)
13 at home by Rev. F. M. Cole Family: Clarence W. HULL / Carrie Lynn HOWELL (F1752)
14 at the home of her Son David PIERSON, Keziah (I1412)
15 Because of conflicting names and dates on various records and references there has been some confusion by others concerning the history of my Great Grandfather, Charles Wesley Howell. more here..... HOWELL, Charles Wesley (I2651)
16 bef 1976 Family: Merle Keith DUKELOW / Janet (F1966)
17 both listed as "of Roxbury" Family: John Mills, Jr. / Elizabeth PIERSON (F600)
18 Bugler - Enlisted December 12, 1863 in Rushford, NY Mustered out at Petersburg, VA on August 10, 1865. Promoted to full bugler January 12, 1864. HOWELL, Abraham Arnold (I1367)
19 Cancer HOWELL, Shirley Jean (I2708)
20 Captian - War of 1812 ELMER, Captian William (I1184)
21 Carpenter by trade LEONARD, Samuel (I1585)
22 Cemetery listing HOWELL, Abraham Arnold (I1367)
23 Closley associated with Rev. Abraham Pierson and in all probability they were brothers, others count him a nephew.

They removed together to Newark, NJ, where Thomas was made a townsman in 1677, constable in 1679 and grand juryman 1681

His will is dated 1698, proved 1701 
PIERSON, Thomas (I1784)
24 Convulsions ROBINSON, Nancy W. (I2584)
25 David Howell was known to be living in Manchester, Ontario county, NY in 1829 (land deed info of mother Keziah, in Jefferson twp, Morris county NJ) PARSELL/PURCELL, Phebe (I1377)
26 Death Certiface says place of birth is NJ - More likely (Orange Co.) NY HOWELL, Cecelia (I1491)
27 Delia Howell is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery in Battle Creek, Michigan. This is a very large cemetery and has served as the main cemetery for the city since the middle of the nineteenth century.
The cemetery, as it now stands, was however not the original village burying ground and since it was not used until after 1850 it could not have been where Delia had been initially interned.
In about 1836 a small parcel of land outside of the village was set aside as a village burying ground. It was here many of the early settlers of the area were buried. However because it was small and could not be enlarged and because of the rapid growth of the village burials were discontinued in 1844. A new and much larger area was acquired further south of town and what is the current Oak Hill Cemetery was started in the early 1850’s.
The east five acres of this new cemetery were laid out into lots and eventually the remains (so far as they could be found) were disinterred from the old cemetery, as were those for the old “Quaker Burying Ground” and deposited here.
It is not known where Delia Howell was originally buried whether in a lonely grave on the farm surrounded by a white picket fence, the original burying ground of the village or some other unnamed cemetery. It is known that she now rests in the current Oak Hill cemetery as does her son Leander and his wife Frankie. It is also known that the tombstone that now marks her grave was erected about 1918 as indicated in a letter which discusses a new headstone for “your mother” from a friend of Frankie Howell (widow of son Leander) to son John Jenness Howell.
ELMER, Adilia Sedgwick (I1376)
28 Died in the Home for Disabled Soldiers MILBURN, Joseph B. (I1667)
29 Educated at the Academy at Naples and the Genesee and Wyoming Seminary at Alexander. HOWELL, Phebe Adelia (I1717)
30 family bible record in possision of Mark Geesey MILBURN, Samuel Pierson (I2304)
31 family bible record in possision of Mark Geesey MILBURN, Sarah Elizabeth (I2305)
32 family bible record in possision of Mark Geesey MILBURN, Charles Jr (I2306)
33 family bible record in possision of Mark Geesey MILBURN, David Spencer (I2307)
34 family bible record in possision of Mark Geesey MILBURN, Lousanna (I2308)
35 family bible record in possision of Mark Geesey MILBURN, Parmealice Diane (I2309)
36 Family stories indicate that Landin Sophy was a Native American ELLSWORTH, Landin Sophy (I2928)
37 First lived in Manchester, Ontario Co., NY after leaving NJ. Moved west in 1835 , settling in what is now the site of Battle Creek, MI. When a young man he began teaching there, but later engaged in farming, upon his own land, which is now known as Morgan Park; then three miles from town. Mr. Howell returned east afther the death of his wife Delia (Elmer), with his children, settling at Bergen, NY. HOWELL, David William (I1375)
38 Frances and Russell were divorced in the 1920's Family: Russell Charles Wesley HOWELL / Frances Fern GILLMORE (F1799)
39 Frank S. Howell, 27 years old, a brakeman on the Erie Railroad, while engaged in drilling freight cars at Harrison, NJ was crushed between two bumpers and almost instantly killed. Howell has a wife and two children.


Page 269
31st Annual Report Bureau of Statistics of Labor and Industry of NJ..Year Ending 1908 
HOWELL, Frank Smith (I2522)
40 frm Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY MOSHER, Moriah Ethelyn (I1381)
41 from Boston, MA, at the time of Marriage

Lived in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY in 1903
Lived in Masonville, Delaware Co., NY in 1906 
AGAR, Rev. Bert E. (I2600)
42 from Sussex Co., NJ moved to Starkey, NY CULVER, George (I2310)
43 from Sussex Co., NJ moved to Starkey, NY RAPLEE, Sarah (I2311)
44 From the: "Cuba True Patriot" vol IV, no. 29, 19 Jan 1866
Destructive Fire!...Entire business portion of Olean, NY in Ashes. ..."We learn that HH Phelps, Esq. perished in the flames. Mr Phelps is a well-known laywer. His office was on the second floor and was not insured. He had got most of his books and papers out, when he thought of something else and started back again. He was warned against going, but said he knew right where what he wanted layed. He rushed into the blazing building and never returned. He had scarcely entered before the blazing awning in front fell, blockading the entrance. The fierce flames burst through the rear windows, shutting off egress in that direction. Poor Phelps was heard and seen in the ball room which was on the same floor of his office, but no help could reach him. The roof soon fell in and the wall crumbled inward and thus he met his fearful death..." 
PHELPS, H. Harper (I2932)
45 Had 5 children of which 2 were still living in 1910. HOWELL, Martha A. (I2587)
46 Heart Attack HOWELL, Margaruite (Margaret) Alice (I2660)
47 Heart Attack HOWELL, Donald Frank (I2665)
48 heart attack WORSTENHOLM, John NMI (I2703)
49 heart failure TURMAN, Dora Dell (I2704)
50 Her burial is sometime listed as: Sagaponack Burying Ground - Suffolk Co, L.I., NY HOWELL, Susannah (I2891)

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